Happy Team

Easy Collection, Enhancing Capital Operation Efficiency

Cregis wallet offers powerful fund collection features, allowing OTC traders to quickly and easily manage funds from different addresses in a single wallet. This simplifies the process of handling multiple fund sources and significantly improves liquidity and operational efficiency. With Cregis' automated collection feature, traders can flexibly allocate and manage funds, shortening settlement times, reducing idle funds, and boosting overall capital operation efficiency.

Happy Team

Smart Compliance Review, Ensuring Fund Security

Cregis wallet integrates KYT (Know Your Transaction) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) compliance features to ensure the legality and safety of each transaction. The system dynamically tracks fund flows and updates global AML policies in real-time, ensuring transactions comply with regulations and reduce risk. This not only speeds up the review process, saving time and costs, but also enhances user confidence in OTC trading.

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